Sunday, November 26, 2017


by , in

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Lately cuaca cozy sangat. Rasa nak tidur dan bermalasan all the time. Tapi,
skrg dah tak mcm dulu-dulu. Skrg komitmen keliling pinggang. Tak boleh malas dah.

I never imagine this path that i'm going through. Bila blog walking post past 2 year, past 3 year,
ish i can't believe it.

Alhamdulillah utk semuaaaaanya, semua nikmat yg Allah bagi.
Slowly but surely. Coming to age 25, terlalu banyak benda nak gapai.

Risau mmg risau. Tp why worrying on something you can't even control?
Allah akan beri bila tiba masanya. On the right time.
Note to self: Everything gonna be okay right?

Semoga dipermudahkan for next step on my career of life, my journey of life, 
my soulmate of my life. Amin.

EL 10:27am

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

After awhile.

by , in

Hi, Assalamualaikum. Good evening (right now 2:52pm)

It have been awhile i skip my writing on this blog.
Before ni, its more heart-to-heart (read:meroyan) dalam ni haha. Shame on me.
Bila baca balik kelakar and i'm gonna try godeh godeh to delete the post or private kan.

So, bila dah lama tak update about my life dalam ni, terlalu banyak benda i wanna share eventough i don't know who gonna following and reading this haha but nvw, if i got time, i'm gonna update more. Insyaallah.

I'm now 25 years old if you wondering my age now. And I hope my post after this, lebih matured and lebih berilmiah tak macam past 5 years ago omg.

I also need to update info dalam blog sbb banyak apps dah tak function like usual. Nanti la if ada masa terluang haha. So busy bila dah bekerjaya ni.

See you guys soon on my next updates.
(Sorry for dual language typing, dah terbiasa)

El (23/11/2017:2:59pm)

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